BeeWell Day

The BeeWell consists of ten students from year 8 who offer their expertise around mental health and well-being. It’s part of a greater Manchester-wide project by the Manchester mayor to survey all pupils in year 8 with the aim of improving provision across the city.

Selected pupils from year 8 took part in a “BeeWell Day” at Mayfield Depot in the city centre in  September 2022, and they impressed the organisers so much that we’ve been chosen as one of a handful of “pathfinder schools” that will play a major role in contributing to the future of the project.

Here are pictures of our BeeWell students applying to be part of the Youth Steering Group - they’ve asked 2 pupils from King’s Leadership Academy Bolton to be part of this group which will advise the whole of Greater Manchester in terms of mental health provision and will have £100,000 to spend on services and future projects. It has been great to see how enthusiastic and involved our students have been, and their feedback has already improved things in school, for example by providing a quiet space at break time in the Refectory for students who don’t want to be outside.